Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Assassins Creed Brotherhood


Assassins Creed Brotherhood stands out from all other action games in the market. Unlike games such as Call of Duty the game revolves around the complex historical storyline which is vital to game play and to drawing the audience it. This idea of the storyline being vital to the game play is reflected in the trailers for the game. Many of the trailers, deliberatly placed on the internet for its young target audience to view as many times as they wished, shows historical figures such as Leonardo da Vinci who work as important characters within the game. including characters like this not only educates the player but acts as a connection to the real world so player truely feels as if the story line could be true. Assassins Creed Brotherhood also differs from other games and attracts the consumer through the incredably detailed historical scenery and characters, of which can roam where ever they choose throughout the maps.

Ubisoft keep the game from becoming forgotten through the clever release of downloadable content for the game, such as: "Animus Project Update 1.0" this consists of new maps and game plays for the gamer which are specially designed for the online areas of the game. Through these online maps players can then play with friends all over the world within the game. "The Da Vinci Disappearance" is another side story for the game available for players on xbox 360 and playstation 3. The side story revolves around the disappearance of Leonardo Da Vinci.

The creatures of Assassins Creed Brotherhood (Ubisoft) also take full advantage of Facebook and Twitter through creating accounts for the protagonist "Ezio". Through these accounts reviews of the game and downloadable content is advertised to fans of the game.


The game was designed primarily by Unbisoft Montreal. The company used Autodesk 3D art creation software to build the game. Gameplay maps such as the city of Rome were constructed and populated through the help of Autodesk 3Ds Max and Autodesk MotionBuilder software. for more realistic in-game animation Autodesk HumanIK middleware was also used, this was used for both characters and horses. Danny Oros, techincal art director for Assassins Creed claimed that they knew that "HumanIK ... could address our inverse kinematics challenges quickly without sacrificing results or performance.” He also said that the environments within the game were all created from scratch and alot of the character animation was all new. motion caption studios were used in alot of the fighting scenes and developed within MotionBuilder to help create the most realistic movements possible.


Before the release date of Assassins Creed: Brotherhood, Ubi Soft announced that if the game was preordered from various online stores, you would get an additional multiplayer character which is only accessible by pre-ordering. This meant that more people would be inclined to pre-order the game to get this character rather than waiting a while after the release date.

The release date of Brotherhood changed, depending on where abouts you lived in the world. America was the first place the game was released, on the 16th of November 2010, then with Australaisa, the release date was on the 18th November 2010. Europe was last with the 19th of November 2010. The changes in date would indicate where the game was mainly played and what kind of sales Ubi Soft was hoping for. The above were for the release of the game of PS3 and Xbox 360, the release of the game on PC was 4 months later, it March. This was because consoles are alot more popular and easier for gaming and the PC gaming community for Assasins Creed is not as big as the Xbox or the Playstation's. 

Like the previous Assassins Creed's, Brotherhood was released in November, this was so that it would still be a relatively new game in time for Christmas, so that the people who waited until then were not completely behind on the game. But it still encouraged people to get it before Christmas aswell as some people could not wait for it.


Assassins Creed Brotherhood is a third person action-adventure which can be played on most console formats. The game has a choice of either a single player, campaign including a storyline linking from the previous Assassins Creed games or a new feature to the Assassins Creed games, an online multiplayer game. Where the person playing the game can play with other players online on a range of smaller game types (Free-For-All, Co-op etc) The game can be played either solo or online now, and downloadable content for the console is available to the gamer.

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